HC*EXCELL Board of Directors
2024-2025 Officers:
President: Amy Steisslinger, Parent, Community Activist
Vice President: Jerry Young, (retired) Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT Morristown)
Secretary: Jessica Rich, HomeTrust Bank
Treasurer: Natasha Moore, Purkey, Carter, Compton, Swann & Carter PLLC
2024-2025 Board Members:
Katherine Berns, Parent, Community Activist
Mike Best, MAHLE Engine Components
Mickey Brabson, Healthstar Physicians, P.C.
Arnold Bunch, Hamblen County Department of Education (serving as ex-officio)
Chris Cates, Walters State Community College
Carolyn Clawson, Hamblen County Board of Education (serving as ex-officio)
Tim Coley, First Horizon
David Durfey, Kawasaki Tennessee, Inc.
Nathan Foshie, JTEKT
Stan Greene, Morristown Utilities
Lisa Kelley, Morristown-Hamblen Healthcare System
Marshall Ramsey, Morristown Chamber of Commerce
Alex Rom-Roginski, Colortech, Inc.
Andy Smith, (retired) Jefferson Federal Bank
Teresa Trent, ORNL Federal Credit Union
Lindsey Wild, Wild Partners
Board Meeting with guest from East Tennessee Foundation
Handing out water bottles to teachers at school year kick-off event